Selasa, 18 September 2012

picture Perspective

1. sense of perspective 
According to Leonardo da Vinci, is a natural perspective that displays a relatively flat and relatively flat. Perspective is a mathematical system for projecting into the dimensions of the field is two-dimensional plane, such as paper or canvas. The word "perspective" comes from the Italian, "prospettiva" meaning "sight picture".

Construction of perspective allows us to draw a real object or space on a flat surface (the image plane) or to clarify a plan that has been described in projection geometry (top, front and side).
Pictures can also be diartkan perspective as a technical drawing using vanishing point. Perspective drawing is a form of three-dimensional images.

 2. Basic Principles of Perspective 
The rules are different perspectives basically all follow the natural state. This is because the human eye is used to see objects around in a perspective. Then people will more quickly capture an image perspective than the mean orthogonal projection.

The human eye can only see the surroundings with a certain viewpoint is relatively limited. Memandag human ability can not be forced to see (look) around the object with a larger perspective.

In a perspective drawing, observation of objects from one point of view. That is the point where the observer stood looking at the object. Narrowed the relative angle, and in this way the straight lines will remain straight and produce a picture that is not distorted perspective.

3. How to View Picture Perspective 
 Images can be viewed by way of perspective:
- A bird's eye perspective: overall view from above 
- Perspective normal eyes: taken as a whole with the boundary normal eye 
- Worms eye perspective: overall view from below 

4. Types of Image Perspective views of the Missing Point 
Seen from the perspective of the image used is lost there are three, namely:
one-point perspective is lost 
Perspective two points lost 
Perspectives three vanishing points

Some stands of foreign languages ​​that are commonly used in image perspective, namely: 

- CVA: Central Vertical Axis = Vertical Axis Centre 
- EL: Eye Level = Height of Eye 
- GL: Ground Line = Line Land 
- HL: Horizon Line = Line Horizon 
- MP: Measuring Point = Point Measure 
- PP: Picture Plane = Image Field 
- SP: Station Point = Point Niagara 
- VML: Measuring Vertical Measures Vertical Line = Line 
- VMP: Vertical Measure Measuring Point = Point Vertical 
- VP: Vanishing Point = Point Missing 
- VVL: Vertical Vanishing Line = Missing Vertical Lines 
- VVP: Vertical Vanishing Point = Point Missing Vertical

5. Determining the Missing Angle And point. 
Sometimes we see a perspective that looks out of balance or some furniture truncated. This problem could be solved by means of:
  •      Horizon Lines can be lowered or raised so that the object can be reached by the point of view of the observer.
  •      Position observers backdated further than the image area so that all parts of the object can be reached by the point of view of the observer.

To determine the vanishing point can be a way to determine in advance which parts of the space will be displayed to the fullest. At one point perspective, when a part of the space that will be displayed is on the right, then the point is lost on the left tend to be away from the normal line and the right side of the image space. This method applies to the other chamber (left, top and bottom). While the two-point perspective, if the part of space that will be displayed is on the right, then the left will be missing the point and missing the point right away will be close to the right side of the image space.

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